Beachfront damage: Rough seas take down eight chikees

Beachfront damage: Rough seas take down eight chikees

In what has become an almost regular occurrence during the month of October, Costa Linda’s beach front this morning suffered damage from extremely rough seas spawned by Hurricane Sandy.  Board member Charlie Smith is at the resort and took the photos below which tell the story.

Sometime around 2am, waves started pounding Eagle Beach, eating away at our beach front and, in the process, taking down eight chikees, mostly on the north end of the beach. The top of one was swept away, but our trusty, wonderful beach and maintenance staff was able to secure the other seven with ropes.

Special materials to repair the chikees are already on their way from Columbia and Resort Manager Luis Cabrera says the chikees can be repaired quickly, within a week’s time.  How quickly they can be repositioned along the beach front will be up to Mother Nature. According to Luis, ironically, for the previous several days before the rough waves hit, the sea had been returning sand to CLBR’s beach front in impressive amounts.

Our beach staff will be busy cleaning up from the aftermath of waves that reached all the way back to the new Water’s Edge area. In the meantime, Costa Linda has become the temporary surfing mecca for the Big Wave chasers on the island.  From all reports, they are putting on quite a show and providing somewhat of a distraction from this unhappy development for week 42 owners and guests.  Stay tuned for beach recovery updates

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